Orta San Giulio

Miasino is located above the town of Orta San Giulio, the view of the lake is wonderful and wide, the island of San Giulio is always the protagonist.

The town of Orta is closed to traffic and is spread through narrow streets and small squares where you can find craf shops, anOques shops and many bars.

Piazza Motta is the heart of the small town, here stands the “Palazzotto della Comunità” which was once the headquarters of the legislative power; today is the symbol of the city with its fresco paintings and bell tower.

From Piazza Motta you can reach by boat the small island of San Giulio in just 5 minutes.

From Piazza Motta also starts a short path that reaches the Sacro Monte of Orta, built between the end of the 16th and the beginning of the 17th century; the Sacro Monte is located in a magnificent panoramic position.
